
Kate (Kathleen) Snow

Work Created by Kate (Kathleen) Snow


I work in a number of media, the most current being printmaking, painting and fiber art. The printmaking techniques I use include etching, collagraphs, monoprints and polyester lithography – in  combination. Printmaking has a magical element for me: the transformation of an image as it goes through the press is always a journey of surprise and delight.

Friday, 15 September 2023

Untitled - Print Exchange 2018 by Kate Snow

Untitled - Print Exchange 2015 by Kate Snow

Untitled - Print Exchange 2016 by Kate Snow

Untitled - Print Exchange 2017 by Kate Snow

House Cat by Kate Snow

Experiment by Kate Snow

Growth by Kate Snow

Luna by Kate Snow

Storm Cat by Kate Snow

Moon House by Kate Snow