
2015 Print Exchange

Theme: This time there are very definite rules without exceptions!

2015 print rules:

  • paper size = 8″ x 10″
  • image plate 3″ x 3″ or smaller
  • plate may be any shape within the size limit: rectangular, odd, round, etc.
  • multiple images may be used on the paper: overlap or arrange in any way
  • use any technique you want, monoprints OK, no edition requirement
  • use any ink type or colors

Coordinator: Marion Bartl

Friday, 15 September 2023

Untitled by Carole Barrer

Untitled by Debra Brochin

Untitled by Geralynn Rackowski

Untitled by Jennifer Woodbridge

Untitled by Kate Snow

Untitled by Loreen Matsushima

Untitled by Marion Bartl

Untitled by Sandra Stowell

Untitled by Sharon Schlentner